
T!LTed Traveling Tips

Long lines. Xanax. Alcohol. Coughing. Crying. A questionable pillow. A thin blanket that never keeps you warm. What do all of these things have in common? Do the words “delay” and “cancellation” make it easier to recognize the pattern? That’s right, this is an article about air travel in the 21st century. But this isn’t a list of complaints, it’s a collection of T!LTed tips and tricks. While we’re not able to eliminate the inevitable – delays, cancellations, and the terrible in-flight food (for purchase, of course) – we can at least share some advice to, hopefully, support your sanity on your next travel day.

We’re all about making the most of your time and travel, so when it comes to booking we suggest playing the field. Even if you have a preferred airline – which we highly encourage so those rewards points aren’t going to waste – take a look at Kayak and Google flights to sort for best deals. (**Pro-T!LT-tip: the best time to buy domestic airfare is on Tuesdays at lunchtime, trust us). Direct flights are almost always the obvious choice – but if you need more legs for a status upgrade, then spending a few extra hours traveling may not be a complete waste of time. These days when you’re traveling, whether on the ground or in the air, there are always wifi options but don’t get us started on in flight connectivity – “my flight had an incredibly fast internet connection,” said no one ever.

Now let’s address a topic that has been the center of many heated discussions. The window versus aisle debate is as fierce as Under v. Over. Here’s the real scoop, get as close to the front as you can. First on–first off is the name of the game. Whether you’re jolting to a business meeting or cramming in some sweet beach-time, every second counts. If being stuck in the middle seat gets you closer to the front, take it. Etiquette dictates the person in the middle seats gets both armrests which, if you’re working on a laptop, makes it much easier to type. If you’re really toiling over the prime flight, check-out these articles about the best airlines: New York Times, Travel Pulse, CNN.

Do you always feel like you have spare time on your hands and aren’t sure what to do with it? If so, then waiting in airport lines is perfect for you! For everyone else, go sign up for TSA Precheck. The $85 fee gets you a five year membership, and saves you countless headaches caused by shuffling through security. And if you despise lines as much as Sony hatefully regrets their decision of loaning out Spider-Man to Marvel Studios (can you tell we’re bitter about this?!), then go the extra mile and sign up for CLEAR which is available at most of the country’s major airports and gets you through airport security faster than one of those Chinese bullet trains (side note: C’mon, Elon, we’re still waiting for the Hyperloop!!).

CUT TO – Your trip is here, it’s been a crazy week and you haven’t packed. No problem! Keep it simple. Pack clothes in a neutral palette so no matter what you chuck in the bag, it’ll all pretty much work. The trick to looking professional? Opt for darker shades with complementary colored shirts, blouses or accessories that mix and match. (Darker shades also help hide stains, so win-win!) And plan for layers. You may be going to Miami in July, but you can bet the AC will be set to just-above-freezing everywhere you go. All work and no play? Come on, #getyourTiLTon. Make a little room for something casual so you can drop in the local hotspot. Suit, blouse, or your favorite t-shirt; if it can wrinkle, put it in plastic. Those plastic dry-cleaner bags are perfect for this, and you can recycle them. Look at you saving the planet, #superhero.

So you’ve got nomophobia, do you? (And this goes for the rest of you too) Make sure your smartphones, dumbphones, laptops, NOOKs, iPads, and Tamagotchis are all fully charged. Better yet, snag an external battery. AND DON’T FORGET YOUR CHARGER!!

You forgot it didn’t you? Well, now that you had to turn around you’re running late–really late! You’re about to be THAT person: sneak your way under the rope and stanchion to the front of the pre-check line apologizing along the way then playing dumb – and when they catch you – show them you are about to miss your flight and they’ll put you to the front of the regular line. And if not, well, head for the lounge after you finally get through security and convince yourself over a few free beers that this was obviously the TSA agent’s fault. That lounge is also your lifesaver when the weather is dicey and delays become the only consistent part of your day. If you’re not a member of any lounge, buy yourself a day pass so they can rebook you there instead of waiting in a long line with the general population or sitting on-hold for 30 minutes waiting to chat with a person on the phone… and as a bonus, you get free drinks (and food) for the afternoon while you hang in the lounge!!

As a Southwest stewardess once announced, “Shift happens.” These days TSA agents, delays, and even emotional support peacocks are all part of our daily travel, but with a few T!LTed tips and tricks you can calmly focus on what’s waiting for you beyond the runway. Best of luck on your next travel day. If you walk away from this article with only one lesson learned, we hope you never forget to #getyourTiLTon.

Seth Cotterman